Nájdite nehnuteľnosť v Turecku

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Pozrite si niektoré z našich najnovších nehnuteľností.


Prezrite si nehnuteľnosti v najobľúbenejších mestách v Turecku. V ponuke je viac ako 2000 nehnuteľností.

Image Image Iamge Iamge

Turkish Citizenship by Investment

The whole process takes 6—8 months.

The minimum investment amount required to apply for Turkish citizenship by real estate investment increased from $250,000 to $400,000 on June 13, 2022. After this date, to be able to apply for citizenship by real estate investment, the value of the real estate(s) purchased must be at least $400,000.

  • The right of work and investment opportunity in Turkey without any limitations.
  • Citizenship right to spouse and children below 18 years old of the applicant
  • The right for residence lifetime residence in Turkey
  • A Turkish passport offers a variety of benefits, including travelling to 110 countries visa-free and receiving long-term visas to the USA and Schengen states.